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COMMUNITY OUTREACH FOR SENIORS: We are seeking volunteers this spring to meet a need identified by Fairview Park Senior Center and confirmed by Nick Berardi and myself to make repairs at two homes.  The first house, on 210th street, needs new wooden steps off the back door landing.  The existing steps are not safe.  The second house, on 220th street, has more extensive needs.  The siding on the south end of the house needs repair or replacement. The front porch rail needs replacement. Tree branches need trimming and the gutters need cleaning.  Along with the south side, the front of the house needs painting.
     Sign-up on the bulletin board or let the church office know of your interest.  This is a good opportunity to reflect Christ in our community.  Please consider helping.  Dave Plachta

NEHEMIAH MISSION: (6515 Bridge Ave., Cleveland, OH 44102)
    Nehemiah Mission has hosted more than 60 Afghan families since October 1,, 2021. Nehemiah hosts youth sports teams in its gym, AA meetings, Glory to the Second House church services, and other youth programing.
    There are numerous ways in which the Rockport family can help Nehemiah Mission in its outreach efforts in the community.

  • Paint worship area, remodel area behind worship area, tear out old carpeting for new carpet to be laid in the worship area. This might be an opportunity for Rockport’s Community Outreach group.
  • Prepare and plant their garden. The food they grow is used for their community meals, Bread on Bridge. We can also launch a garden at Rockport and take the produce to Nehemiah Mission to prepare and serve at their community meals. I think we can offer to do a spaghetti dinner for one of their Bread on Bridge meals too.
  • Harry, a student at St. Eds, is planning a mission trip to El Salvador. Children there do not have homes. We can provide monetary assistance for this trip (May 10-15).
  • Assist with Orchard in Hough.
  • Help with 4H program that will launch this summer
  • Knitting Program (Maybe our Rockport knitters would like to participate)
  • Luke 3:11 Trailer that delivers food in the community…. Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same. Unfortunately, after three weeks, the trailer was stollen.
  • A Life of Hope now partners with Nehemiah. Clothing, personal items etc. donated by United Methodist churches to Nehemiah Mission is now distributed to women and men in shelters and on the street.

How is the Holy Spirit calling the Rockport Family or you personally to take action?

     An idea of planting a garden here at Rockport is being discussed.  We are seeing if we have enough interest from folk so as to be able to implement and sustain it.  If this is something that you would want to be involved in, please let the church office know. 

Save the date for the next spaghetti dinner on May 14th from 4-8pm.  If you are interested in helping in any way, please call the church office.

Please join us on Monday, April 25th at 7pm in the church parlor.  We will be reading the book “In Five Years” by Rebecca Serle. This book is about a successful and recently engaged woman, Dannie, who sees a vision of herself five years into the future. In that vision, she’s engaged and in love with a man she’s never met and living in an apartment she doesn’t recognize. This is an unforgettable love story, but it is not the one you’re expecting.  Hope to see you all on March 21st for fellowship and discussion!

Join us to help celebrate Rockport’s 1822 – 2022, 200 years! 
     Please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 18th for a special worship service followed by a catered meal and fellowship with past ministers and prior members.  We will honor our church’s history and celebrate our continued mission going forward.
     Help is needed in contacting our prior membership so if you have old members names, addresses, e-mails or phone numbers, please let Sara in the church office know.  We hope to make this a grand affair and it will only be such with everyone’s help! 
     Just added is a tour of our prior church building across the street on Sunday, August 14th right after our 10:00 worship service.  The current church, Recovery Church is treating us to a pancake and waffle breakfast so please mark your calendars to join us as we remember Rockport’s sanctuary from 1857 - 1958.   Also, on Sunday, July 17th, we will have an outdoor Worship service at Mastick Pavilion at 10:00am followed by a potluck.  As history reveals, "in 1822 on nice summer days, the congregation would trek down Mastick Hill to enjoy outdoor services along the Rocky River."  We thought it would be nice to enjoy worship there as a reminder of where it all began. 
     Our hope is that everyone will be able to enjoy one or ALL of these special dates in celebration of Rockport's 200th Anniversary!  If you have ideas for the celebration, please contact Lisa Kay 440-570-0992 or Diana Leitch 440-759-5980.

Many of you have expressed wanting to help Ukraine. United Methodists are on the ground in Ukraine providing humanitarian assistance through UMCOR. If you wish to provide support toward these efforts, you may contribute through the church, noting “Advance #982450-Ukraine” on the memo line.  Please continue to pray for the people of Ukraine, our world leaders and for peace in our world!

THE LORD'S PRAYER LENTEN BIBLE STUDY: The power and significance of the prayer Jesus taught.
      All are invited to this 6-week in person study, led by Bill Eyman and Dan Newman, which began on Tuesday, March 8th from 7-8pm in the church parlor.  Also, transportation can be provided to and from the Bible study by calling the church office.  
     Most Christians know the Lord’s Prayer by heart. We pray it often, at different times and in different settings. We remember it as the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples. But do we really understand and appreciate the meaning and power of its words, what we ask of God each time we pray it?
     When the disciples asked Jesus how to pray, Jesus gave them this prayer. He likely taught it to his followers often, not just one time. He never intended the Lord’s Prayer to be a museum piece, framed and placed on a mantel or in a display case. It was Jesus teaching God’s people, through his disciples, how to pray.
     In The Lord’s Prayer: The Meaning and Power of the Prayer Jesus Taught, pastor and bestselling author Adam Hamilton guides us to really know—and really pray—the Lord’s Prayer. He explores each of its rich lines and their meaning in the Bible, illuminating what we ask of God and what we ask of ourselves through its words. And he teaches us how to use it as a pattern for our own prayer life.

Office hours are Monday-Thursday 8:00 - 2:00pm and Fridays from 8:00 - 1:00pm.  
Rev. Don's office hours are Tuesday and Thursdays from 11:00 - 1:00pm

Rockport All Church Information and Financial Reports are accessible here or in the church office.  





Calendar of Events:

Thursday, March 24, 2022
     7:00pm – Finance Meeting

Friday, March 25, 2022
     9:45am – Al-Anon
     7:00pm - Confirmation Retreat begins @ Rockport 

Saturday, March 26, 2022
     4:00pm - Confirmation Retreat ends @ Rockport 

Sunday, March 27, 2022
     8:30-9:00am - Early Morning Service
     10:00am - In-Person Worship & Live Streamed

Tuesday, March 29, 2022
      6:00pm – Choir Rehearsal
      7:00pm - Lenten Bible Study
      7:00pm – Prayer Shawl Ministry

Wednesday, March 30, 2022
       6:30-8:00pm– Good News Kids & M&M's group
       6:30-8:00pm – Youth Group Sunrise Worship & Mission Planning(Youth Rm.)

Friday, April 1, 2022
     9:45am – Al-Anon 

Sunday, April 3, 2022
     8:30-9:00am - Early Morning Service
     10:00am - In-Person Worship & Live Streamed; Communion

Monday, April 4, 2022
7:00pm – Church Council

Tuesday, April 5, 2022
      6:00pm – Choir Rehearsal
      7:00pm - Lenten Bible Study

Wednesday, April 6, 2022
       6:30-8:00pm– Good News Kids & M&M's group
       6:30-8:00pm – Youth Group Homework Hang-out, Rm. 17(Youth Rm.)


Prayer List: 

(please fill out a prayer card in pews, email church office or call to add to this list)

Dave Plachta, hip replacement on March 28th
Prayers for comfort, gentleness, and dignity, for Erwin and Grace as they deal with life issues.  Requested by Dan Newman

Pattie Sinnes
, prayers for strength and healing for her health concerns
Linda Hartford, in need of prayer
Please pray for Renee as she battles colon cancer and please pray for strength for her family to support her.  Requested by Dan Newman
Tom Schultz, diagnosed with brain atrophy.  Good friend of the Wilkenson’s
JOY:  The birth of Luke Leitch Leitner, born 3/4/22 to Molly and Daniel Leitner.  Proud grandparents are Jim & Diana Leitch
Bill Eyman, home recovering from ankle surgery
Olivia Morton, broken ankle.  Prayers for healing.  Granddaughter of Ruth Morton
Susan Geiger, skiing accident in Utah with multiple injuries.  Daughter of Jay & Pattie Sinnes
Dave Clinton, health concerns
Debra, cancer returned for third time.  Friend of Lynn Wilkenson
Elsie Gaewsky, prayers for healing and strength
Marie, health concerns.  Requested by Valerie Norris
Ron, please pray for him in assisted living.  For his willingness to accept help from nurses & aides for personal care. God speaking to his heart & mind.  Brother of Debbie Bryant
Dennis, healing and strength.  Nephew of Elsie Gaewsky
Brandy, healing and strength.  Requested by Elsie Gaewsky
Rev. Laurie Bruce, continued prayers 
Karen, bone cancer.  Sister-in-law of Marian Banno
Betty Jones, prayers for healing
Erna Guia, prayers for healing
Vicki Moenich, prayers for healing
Joyce, in need of prayers.  Sister of Nancy Geyer
Bill Bowers-Health concerns
Donny Nally, recovering from heart & kidney transplants.  Son of Diana Nally
Katie Patton, single mom of 3 with stage 4 liver cancer. Requested by the Wilkenson Family
Jan Tietje, medical concerns
Sarah Bungard-Serving our country, Chief Warrant Officer 2 USMC. Requested by the Kopko family
Lt. Chandler Freeman-In Kuwait. Grandson of Marge Freeman
Family and friends of Gregory Schwind, who passed into life eternal on March 10th.  Requested by Nancy Geyer
Family and friends of Richard Skutnik, who passed into life eternal on March 7th. Father of Samantha Skutnik
Family and friends of John Lampkin, who passed into life eternal. Continued prayers for Judy Lampkin, the mother of Beckie Zullo.  Requested by Jeff Zullo

News from our Youth and Children's Ministries

25th - 26th: Confirmation Rockport Retreat, Classes #9 & 10: @Rockport UMC
7 p.m. Fri - 4 p.m. Sat (WITH Peer & Adult Mentors)
Permission Slips needed! (sent out in email and posted to Band APP)

We need ongoing cabinet purchases, please let me know if you are able to shop IF you are comfortable with that right now. Make sure to turn in your receipts. Check with me with any questions you may have!
WEDNESDAY, March 30th from 6 to 8 p.m., We will be meeting to write the Easter service and to do our late spring and summer planning!
WE NEED HELP! PLEASE plan on working on the service, helping conduct/reading in the service, and or playing music! WOO! Let me know if you can help in any way you guys!
MISSION PLANNING! Please be thinking of your mission ideas, as well as talking about Nehemiah Mission – there are a bunch of opportunities for us there, especially over the summer.
YAC! (Youth Annual Conference)
Fri, Jun 17, 2022, 5:30 PM – Sun, Jun 19, 2022, 11:30 AM  
Walsh University
2020 East Maple Street 
North Canton, OH 44720
REGULAR REGISTRATION DEADLINE MARCH 28TH! PLEASE SIGN UP NOW!!!! IF YOU ARE INTERESTED BUT it is too early to know if you’re available for those dates, PLEASE contact me. We can put you down for late registration – BUT I am trying to avoid that as much as possible so if you DO know you’re sable to attend now, PLEASE SIGN UP!
Ages for YAC: going into 7th through 12th graders
Wednesday Night YOUTH GROUP & GOOD NEWS KIDS & M&M’s!
PLEASE NOTE: we will NOT be having dinner together in March or April!
6:30 to 8 p.m.!
*Youth may bring snacks for their room if they’d like while working on homework/hanging out*
VBS! AUG 1ST, 2ND, & 3RD
If you’re interested in volunteering for VBS this year, please let me know!


(If you do not see your child age 0-17th's birthday, please notify the church office.)
March 12  Charlie Sinko
March 20  Isaac Paulson
March 30  Acadia Hover

(If you don't see your wedding anniversary, please notify the church office.)
March 13  Pat & Jackie Ginley, 51 years
March 18  Bill & Kathe DiMatteo, 34 years