(please fill out a prayer card in the registration pads, email the church office, or call to add to this list.)
Jerri Thomas, home recovering from surgery
Lynn Burris, moved into new nursing home facility closer to home as he awaits further back surgeries. Brother-in-law of Beverly Cavanah
Dan Newman, cataract surgery
Tara & daughter Evelyn, who was born 2 pounds 11 ounces, and will be hospitalized for 2 ½ months. Requested by Lisa Kay
Russ Hall, recovering from knee replacement
Kathie McDermott, recovering from eye surgery. Requested by Jan Hnanicek
Brooklyn Varga, home recovering from hip surgery. Granddaughter of Susan and Earl Shick
Amy Pine, battling cancer
Rita Himes, heart blockage; surgery pending. Requested by Jan Hnanicek
Betty Jones, fell and broke her arm. Prayers for healing and for Vicki Moenich as she cares for Betty
Diana Nally, prayers for healing of her shoulder
Jay Sinnes, health concerns
Pattie Sinnes, in need of prayers
Tom Schultz, in need of prayers as he faces end of life decisions. Friend of the Wilkinson’s
Terri Brehm & Jerry Kerns, fighting cancer. Cousins of Diana Leitch
Marge, heart issues. Prayers for her and her family. Friend of Nancy Geyer
Mary Mainwaring, at Brookdale Westlake Village
David Stephan, prayers for ongoing cancer treatment
Elsie Gaewsky, continued prayers for healing
Vicki Moenich, reoccurrence of cancer
Dave Clinton, health concerns
Debra, cancer returned for third time. Friend of Lynn Wilkenson
Jan Tietje, medical concerns