Rockport United Methodist Church Rockport United Methodist Church
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Worship: October 4, 2020
Rev. Lorrin  Radzik
Rev. Lorrin Radzik
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Order of Worship
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October 4, 2020

Words of Welcome & Greeting


Call to Worship

Nathan: Your word, Oh God, is a lamp to our church

Kelly: And a bright light to our path

Acadia: We ask you to uphold all of us children in Your world, according to Your word, that we may live in hope

Jackson: We ask you, Oh God, to lead us to live in that hope, as we continue our journey

Ryan: By Your love, You fill us with joy, oh Lord. Let the nations be glad and sing for that joy!

Kira: In hope and in joy we come into your House this morning, Lord, with sureness that you will meet us here

Rev. Lorrin: Let the people praise you, Oh God. We shout with that joy and we hold to that hope that You bring to us. For shepherds and mentors, parents and guides,

Nathan: We give thanks and praise this day.

Kira: For friends who care, for families who nurture,

Kelly: We give thanks and praise this day.

Rev. Lorrin: For this family of faith, for spiritual teachers,

Acadia: We give thanks and praise this day.

Kira: For guiding hands and teaching words,

Jackson: We give thanks and praise this day.

Rev. Lorrin: For the gift of love, both given and received,

Ryan: We give thanks and praise this day.

Rev. Lorrin: It is good to be together, God, with your children, together listening for your voice, united by your Spirit on this special day of Worship. We walk with You humbly, Oh God. In Your name we pray these words together. Amen.

Music for Reflection

Scripture Lesson: 2 Corinthians 9:5-15, Read by Jackson Paige

Children’s Time to Lead Us: Lead by Kira Holchin

The Lord’s Prayer: Lead by Kelly Jo Brown

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Scripture Lesson: Luke 21:1-4, Read by Acadia Hover

Message: Rev. Lorrin Radzik

Invitation to Generosity 


Prayer of Dedication: Lead by Nathan Kopko

Confirmands Special Scripture Readings

Special Prayer: Lead by Kira Holchin

Confirmation & Reception of New Members

Benediction: Read by Ryan Rowen

God, we have opened our hearts and minds with hope, by the power of Your love as we heard with joy Your words read and proclaimed. God, we follow You, and we are faithful in our belief. We know this joy and this hope will stay with us as we leave Your house today. May The Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you His peace. Go forth in joy to love and serve God in all that you do.

Music for Reflection

